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Published on 20 December 2022

Surface representation and models


21 December 2022


Hydrographic elements, including marine areas and all other water bodies and items related to them, including river basins and sub-basins. Where appropriate, according to the definitions set out in Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy and in the form of networks.

21 December 2022


Modèles numériques pour l'altitude des surfaces terrestres, glaciaires et océaniques. Comprend l'altitude terrestre, la bathymétrie et la ligne de rivage

21 December 2022

Land cover

The biophysical cover of the earth's surface, including artificial and agricultural areas, wood, natural (near-natural) areas, wetlands and waterbodies.

21 December 2022


Données d'images géoréférencées de la surface terrestre provenant de capteurs satellitaires ou aéroportés.