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Portrayal services: web mapping and web GIS applications

Portrayal services such as web mapping or web GIS applications are geographical information systems (GIS) or mapping facilities for which the data is supplied over the Internet.

Web Mapping Services WMS: Available services an data

The BGDI supports the federal offices by setting up WMS services. You can freely use the following examples and integrate them into any GIS system.

Web Map Tiling Services WMTS: available services and data

A WMTS service does not offer the flexibility of free scale selection; it offers instead faster loading/transmission time by using static tiles with fixed and discrete scales.

Vector Tiles Service: available services and data

Vector tiles are packets of geodata that are packaged in predefined, roughly square-shaped «tiles» and transmitted over the web.They can be used to provide stylized web maps and combine the advantages of pre-rendered raster map tiles with vector map data.

Programming interface API: simple and powerful provides a programming interface for websites. Using the «Application Programming Interface» API, you can embed maps in your web pages using JavaScript. Various utilities will allow you to use the different services of the API to add dynamic map applications on your website.

FAQ API geoAdmin

The GeoAdmin API allows the integration in web pages of geospatial information provided by the Swiss Confederation and Cantons.